Note: the installation process is currently manual. A future release may provide an automatic installer, possibly including the installation of AutoHotkey.
Go to AutoHotkey's download page and get the latest version. Hotkey Monkey needs version or above.
Downlad the Hotkey Monkey distribution from the Sourceforge project page . The distribution is a ZIP file, the scripts are in two directories:
From now on, I will refer to this directory as %HKMK_LIB% .
When you installed AutoHotkey, it has normally been associated to *.ahk files. You can launch Hotkey Monkey by double-clicking %HKMK_HOME%\hkmk_bootstrap.ahk .
The AutoHotkey icon should appear in your system tray:
Try typing "Windows + Down" (the windows key and the down arrow key held simultaneously) to invoke the Hotkey Monkey prompt. Then you can hit Escape to hide it.
If that doesn't work, or if you have elected not to associate AutoHotkey with *.ahk , you can try "Right click / Open with...", or from the command line using something like:
cd %HKMK_HOME% "c:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" hkmk_bootstrap.ahk
To run Hotkey Monkey when your computer starts, you can put a quick link to hkmk_bootstrap.ahk in your start menu.
From there you can move on to the usage page.